what i’m into – keeping me sane {july 2019}

What I'm Into. July.jpg

If you have a monthly recap post letting us know what you’re into, please share it in the comments below and let your community know that you are doing so.  We do this every month, next on Tuesday, September 3.  

July had a lot going on. And it’s only as I sat down to write this post that I realized it.  Probably need to pull back off the throttle a bit in August. To that end, my family and I are taking that quick weekend to the beach that I mentioned last month.  So excited!

Fun but Work(ish) Stuff

I have begun collaborating with Lady Smith of the Snail on the Wall Books, an independent virtual book store in Huntsville.   And we’re in the middle of planning a HUGE project that I cannot wait to share with you when the time comes. Additionally, she has been gracious enough to provide me with some ARCs (advanced readers’ copy) in exchange for my honest review. This IS fun but, I must say, it seems like there is no way that I will be able to get through them all.

I am also sitting on the Planning Committee for The Catalyst’s annual Mompreneur miniconference planned for September.  Everyone is working hard to make it a meaningful event for the mom entrepreneurs in Huntsville.

Met a new-to-me author, Heather Kaczynski.  She is the author of two books, the first of which, Dare Mighty Things, begins in Huntsville, Alabama.  Yay! Planning on diving into this while on vacay.

I have started sketching/drawing/doodling, whatever my efforts are called.  I have been posting some of them on my Instagram.  It’s been really fun! YouTube is a wonderful research tool if you want to learn ANYTHING! And, now that I think about it, that could be scary.

I only have one more full category to complete in order to complete my EnjoyLife Project: Create Home thru KonMari: Sentimental Items. Additionally, I still need to go through my cleaning supplies and my pending box. But even without doing those things, I am feeling the “magic of tidying up”.

I wrote last month, that I felt a bit overwhelmed with everything that was going on and that I took a day to reprioritize and refocus for the remainder of 2019.  That “self-care” day was wonderful and I figured out what I should be doing.  I was still struggling, however, with how to keep everything straight in my head. In the Mompreneur Planning Committee, we were discussing Bullet Journaling.  Did some research and discovered that it has been called the “KonMari for your mind”. And I decided to give it a go.  You can read my first post about it here.

I held Part 2 of my New Year visioning party, Enjoy Life 2019 at my home this month. Everyone said that they enjoyed it and I was able to refocus and prioritize for the remainder of 2019.  The year is halfway over but there is still plenty of time to make progress on our goals for 2019.

Fun Stuff

To that end, while I haven’t been running every day, I have been exercising every day.  The #shannanmoves streak continues and that has felt like very real progress to my goal of becoming healthier in 2019. After over 60 days, waking up in the morning and working-out has definitely and officially become a habit! Yay! And isn’t that sunrise so pretty above.  Took that on my long run last week.

This month, I have been watching the Tour de France.  I first started watching this in 2013 and wrote about what I learned from watching it here. Since then, it has been something that I look forward to every summer and this year has been epic.  I didn’t know what was going to happen and that made it even more intriguing.

My man, Roger Federer, almost won Wimbledon again.  I couldn’t watch it; I was so nervous.  He’s still the GOAT (greatest of all time).

What have you been into this month?

P.S. A friend shared this video with me on the difference between sympathy and empathy-I’ve kind of been struggling with this recently. If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth a look.

enjoy life…

12 thoughts on “what i’m into – keeping me sane {july 2019}

  1. Barbara Harper says:

    That’s quite a busy month! Sounds like a vacation is just the ticket! I hope all your ventures go well and you get some R&R while away. The self-care day is a great idea. Sometimes I’ve almost wished for a sick day just to be able to set aside all of the regular stuff for a day — except for the being sick part. 🙂 But you remind me we can do such a thing for our mental, emotional, spiritual health as well. I try to do that with Sundays, but sometimes we need extra time as well. That sunrise is beautiful.

    My monthly wrap-up is here: https://barbarah.wordpress.com/2019/07/31/end-of-july-musings-and-a-blog-anniversary-giveaway/.

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