about me

My name is Shannan.

Yes, it is spelled with two a’s.  I asked my mom and she said it was because she didn’t know how to spell it at that time. Go figure.  I use to hate it; now I love it! I’m unique so it seems only fitting that my name should be unique as well.

I write about enjoying life, how I’m trying to do it, and the intention that it takes to actually do it. I’m not an authority and that’s why I get help from other people enjoying and living meaningful lives in the Enjoy Life Interviews and Guest Posts Series.

I’m a bookman (I love all things books!). I’m a contributor for Rocket City Mom, where I review books and host our virtual book club on Facebook, and The Snail on the Wall Books.

I’m a runner (“I’m slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter, but I run”), and I’m, without a shadow of a doubt, a foodie.

I live and love in the Rocket City aka as Huntsville, Alabama, a great place to live according to Forbes. Here, Hubby and I are raising the Buddy Man. He’s seven.

Say hi on Instagram, Goodreads, and/or reach out directly at hello@shannanenjoyslife.com

enjoy life…

SIDE NOTE:  Some of my posts may contain some contextual affiliate links, mainly the ones about books.