quick lit – next page, please {my best books of 2018}

I have decided to do something that I have never done before here on the blog.  I am selecting the best books that I read in 2018. I am not going to cover every category (there are so many); I’m just going to highlight categories that had multiple selections that I really liked.


Circe by Madeline Miller

Runner-Up: Time’s Convert by Deborah Harkness

I do not read fantasy. I read The Illiad  and The Odyssey for school, along with other fantasy classics that were required reading.  But I have never read them for pleasure.  But towards the end of 2018, I was longing for something fun and pointless – an escape from the seriousness of my usual picks which tend to fall heavily in the Nonfiction/Memoir/Autobiography category-very worthwhile but often weighty material. I mentioned this to a friend who suggested that I try to read something that I don’t generally read.  I’m so glad that I did.  With these picks, I was able to suspend belief and just read for the sheer love of words-no deep thought, no lessons to learn, no new knowledge to implement into my life.

But a good story, no matter the genre, is always going to teach us something or make us see something in a different way. Miller’s Circe was amazing.  Miller took the character of Circe in The Odyssey and expanded her back story and made me see her in a whole new light.  I love books that do that.  And Time’s Convert, the fourth book in the All Souls Trilogy also accomplished that.  It was interesting. It was engaging and both books were an absolute delight to read.


Almost Sisters by Joshilyn Jackson

Runner-Up: The Ensemble by Aja Gabel

I am still pondering Almost Sisters which I read with the Rocket City Mom book club.  The setting, the characters, the storyline. This was a book with very weighted themes told in such a light and palatable way. For a full review of this one, check out my review on Rocket City Mom.

I also loved The Ensemble, a debut by Aja Gabel.  That novel, about the lives of musicians in a string ensemble, also has stuck with me and I will probably read it again.

Memoir & Autobiography

Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton

Runner-Up: We’re Going to Need More Wine by Gabrielle Union

Memoir/Autobiography and Nonfiction are what I generally read.  I read quite a few books in this category but it wasn’t really hard to narrow down my two best ones.

I didn’t read Love Warrior when it first came out. The reason: I was being a prejudicial snob. I don’t know if you remember but there was a lot of discussion around it.  Glennon released a book about saving her marriage while that very marriage was ending. I was convinced that she had absolutely nothing to teach me. I was wrong.

We’re Going to Need More Wine was so funny and if I indulged, I would have needed more wine.  I laughed so hard, I couldn’t stand it.  My girlfriends laughed so hard they couldn’t stand it. This book was awesome!


I’d Rather Be Reading: The Delights & Dilemmas of the Reading Life by Anne Bogel

This Messy Magnificent Life: A Field Guide by Geneen Roth

My reading guru, Anne Bogel released her second book, I’d Rather Be Reading. I adored this little volume for making me realize that I wasn’t the only crazy person in the world when it comes to my love for books and for reading. I laughed. I cried.  What more can you want from a book?

I have had an interesting relationship with Geneen Roth’s work.  Her idea that it’s not about the food when it comes to weight and healthy eating was an idea that I had quickly dismissed as bologna.  Her first book, Women Food and God sat on my shelf for a year before I opened it. Then I read the first few chapters and put it away and it sat on my shelf another year before I was ready to receive the wisdom inside.  This Messy Magnificent Life is a follow-up. I love it so much, I am rereading it now.

The Winners

This Messy Magnificent Life: A Field Guide by Geneen Roth

Almost Sisters by Joshilyn Jackson

I can’t decide between these two so there you have it: my two best books of 2018. What were yours?

enjoy life…

Per usual, I’m linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy and her Quick Lit posts.  Head over there if you are looking for more reading ideas.



16 thoughts on “quick lit – next page, please {my best books of 2018}

  1. Karen says:

    I just saw We’re Going to Need More Wine at the bookstore yesterday and wondered if it would be good. Sounds like I need to add it to my TBR list!!! Also, I have Almost Sisters on my Kindle but haven’t read it yet. I keep hearing it is really good! And I read I’d Rather Be Reading by Anne as well. Loved it!

  2. Aimee says:

    I’m glad to hear that Circe was a win. Madeline Miller’s debut novel had me spellbound, so I’m happy her second was just as good. I’ve had it requested from the library for months and I think I’m about #300 on the waiting list, so it must be good!

    • shannanenjoyslife says:

      Yes. I also loved her first one. But I think I liked “Circe” more because I really enjoyed the female protagonist. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think. Hope you don’t have to wait too much longer. Thanks for commenting.

  3. Linda Stoll says:

    Yep, Anne’s book was in my top 3 last year, Shannan … like a cozy visit with aa old friend. It was my favorite gift to give for Christmas.

    And she’s the reason you and I’ve connected this morning! I’m grateful …

  4. Nancey says:

    My favorite book by FAR Was Everything Here is Beautiful (It’s so not) by Mira T. Lee. The second I finished it I was sad it was over. Runner up was The Animators, loved that one so much that I googled whether or not it was based on a true story because I so wanted it to be. I also loved Halsey Street and Goodbye Vitamin. treasures all.

  5. Lisa notes... says:

    Almost Sisters and Love Warriors were both favorites of mine too. I have I’d Rather Be Reading on my list for 2019. I always love seeing what others are reading! Thanks for sharing, Shannon. I’m currently reading The Great Alone and so enjoying it.

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