what i’m into – keeping me sane {january 2023}

Winter is hard for me.  I deal with seasonal affective disorder (sad) during the winter months and it’s heightened between the months of January and March because there are no major holidays like Christmas to brighten my days. In Alabama, we may get one light snowfall a year so the world outside is all browns and grays.  Frankly, it’s depressing. Last year was particularly difficult so I went into this year intentionally managing my days to counteract the sad. 

In January, I did two almost diametrically opposed things.  This is picking up on one of my lessons learned in 2022: two things (sometimes opposite things) can be true at the same time. 

I am resting, relaxing, taking it easy, slowing down, chillin’

I have taken more naps this month than I have in a long time. I’ve shut down work at 2 PM most days and haven’t gone back even after everyone is settled for the evening.  I bought a paint-by-numbers and I am giving that a go – I should be finished by January of 2024. I watched shows and movies that I have been wanting to watch for years. I read books; in fact, I devoted a whole weekend to a personal Reader’s Weekend. I completed three books during that time.  I didn’t feel guilty about taking time to talk on the phone with friends and family. I have tried (I’m not as successful as I want to be with this – work in progress) not to rush the Buddy Man with all of the things he has to do: getting out the door every morning, bedtime routine, etc. I have taken walks outside and tried to notice any color other than brown and gray. I have seen so many blue jays and the honeysuckle is coming in. I took a few days off work for my birthday and didn’t go near a computer at all. 

I am staying busy

I know. After reading that first part you’re probably thinking, “Wait. What?”. But it’s true. Work has kept me plenty busy: I recorded a podcast episode and interviewed Brendan Slocumb, author of THE VIOLIN CONSPIRACY. That was so much fun! You all will get to hear it soon and I will post a link here when it is available. One of my clients has two major projects this quarter that have been wonderful but are keeping me pretty occupied. I am working on developing personal branding which you will see hints of on my IG. Full rebrand is planned for the Spring. I did a curation of my closet letting go of so many things that I have held onto during my KonMari tidying in 2019.  It’s out-of-here! I plan to curate my books this month and get all my papers under control in late February/early March. I planned and executed my personal Reader’s Weekend and Birthday Fav Day. I have been exercising in some way, shape, or form most days (remember, two things can be true). 

In summation, I am trying to stay occupied enough that the sad doesn’t have a chance to catch up with me but gentle and kind enough with myself to know that this is a low energy period and I have needed and will need to slow it down.

I don’t know if this is going to work long-term.  I do know when I visited my doctor last year, she told me to come back in early February if I wasn’t doing great and if I was doing OK, I could cancel my appointment.  Last week, I canceled. But, who knows? I may be back next month saying how it all crumbled to pieces in my hand and that I have been down for the count. That will be OK too. 

What have you been doing in January? Does the winter season affect you as much as it does me? Head over to Modern Mrs. Darcy: What’s Saving My Life Right Now and find out ways she and others combat the winter blues. And if you are here because you were there, thank you.

enjoy life…

10 thoughts on “what i’m into – keeping me sane {january 2023}

  1. Lisa notes... says:

    With a few exceptional days here and there (like today!), I agree our Alabama weather has been so dreary this winter. It sounds like you are working a fabulous plan to get through it though. I need to copy you on a few of these things. Accepting that two things can be true at the same time is definitely freeing.

  2. Linda Reid says:

    Have you tried light therapy for your SAD? It’s one of the things that’s saving my life right now. I use the Phillips goLITE, and it’s the difference between enduring winter and thriving in it. Blessings as you journey through February and March.

  3. Crystal Rowe says:

    Ohmigoodness – I just put The Violin Conspiracy on my TBR list yesterday. I definitely need to check out your podcast!

    Prayers for you as you navigate this season. Winter is so hard. Lifting you up.

what do you think?